Test Packages

Complete Health profile

84 parameters: (CBC, Lipid Profile, HbA1C, Fasting blood sugar, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D3, Iron deficiency parameters, kidney function tests, Liver function tests, Thyroid profile, Serum proteins, Serum electrolytes, Urine analysis, Serum calcium)

Original price: ₹ Now: ₹2500

Book Test
Book Test
Basic Health profile

68 parameters: (CBC, Lipid Profile, HbA1C, Fasting blood sugar, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D3, kidney function tests, Liver function tests, Thyroid profile, Urine analysis)

Original price: ₹ Now: ₹1800

Basic Thyroid Profile

3 parameters: (T3, T4, TSH)

Original price: Now: ₹300

Comprehensive Thyroid Profile

7 parameters: (T3, T4, TSH, FT3, FT4, Anti-TPO, Anti-Tg)

Original price: ₹ Now: ₹1500

Liver Function Tests

(Bilirubin-Total, Direct & Indirect, SGPT, SGOT, ALP, GGT)

Original price:  Now: ₹600

Liver & Kidney Panel

(Bilirubin-Total, Direct & Indirect, SGPT, SGOT, ALP, GGT, S. Urea, S.Creatinine, S. Uric Acid, BUN, BUN/Creatinine ratio, Urea/Creatinine ratio, S. Chloride, S.Potassium, S. Sodium)

Original price:  Now: ₹1200

Kidney Function Tests

(S. Urea, S. Creatinine, BUN, BUN/Creatinine ratio, Urea/Creatinine ratio, S. Uric Acid, S. Sodium, S. Potassium, S. Chloride)

Original price: ₹ Now: ₹1000

Diabetes Panel

5 parameters: (Fasting & Post prandial blood glucose, Insulin, HbA1C)

Original price: ₹ Now: ₹800

Iron Deficiency profile

27 parameters: ( Ferritin, Iron, TIBC, Transferrin saturation %, UIBC, Complete blood count)

Original price: ₹ Now: ₹1200

Vitamin Profile

2 parameters: (Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D)

Original price: ₹ Now: ₹800

Basic Lipid Profile

(Total Cholestrol, S. Triglycerides, HDL Cholestrol, LDL Cholestrol, VLDL Cholestrol, Total lipids, LDL/HDL ratio)

Original price: ₹ Now: ₹300

Advanced Lipid Profile

[Total Cholesterol, S. Triglycerides, HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol,VLDL Cholesterol, Total lipids, LDL/HDL ratio, Apo-A1, Apo-B, Lipoprotein (a)]

Original price: ₹18 Now: ₹1200

Female Infertility profile

(FSH, LH, Prolactin, Estradiol, Progesterone, SHBG, T3, T4, TSH)

Original price: ₹ Now: ₹2000

Male Infertility profile

(FSH, LH, Prolactin, Testosterone, SHBG, T3, T4, TSH)

Original price: ₹ Now: ₹1500

Antenatal (pregnancy) profile

54 parameters: (Blood group/ Rh typing, CBC, Hemoglobin electrophoresis, Urine analysis, Random blood sugar, HbsAg, HIV I & II, S. Creatinine, SGPT, VDRL)

Original price: ₹ Now: ₹2400

Kids special profile

54 parameters: (CBC, ESR, Urine analysis, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D3, Iron, Ferritin, Hb Electrophoresis, Serum LDH, HbA1C)

Original price: ₹3 Now: ₹2200

Food Intolerance test

Test suggested for your gut health

Tests over 215 ingredients using protein microarray

Original price: ₹ Now: ₹6500

Hepatitis B markers profile

(HbsAg, HbsAg antibody, Hep-B core IgG, Hep-B core IgM, Hep-Be Antigen, Hep-Be Antibody)

Original price: ₹ Now: ₹2200

Hepatitis 'Non-B' markers profile

(HCV Antibody, HAV Antibody IgG & IgM, HEV Antibody IgG & IgM)

Original price: ₹ Now: ₹2500

Pre-Operative profile

33 parameters: (CBC, ESR, Blood group/ Rh typing, PT/INR, APTT, HIV I & II, HbsAg, HCV, S.Creatinine, S.Urea, Random Blood Sugar)

                                             Original price: ₹ Now: ₹1800

Allergy profile 1

(Vegetarian Food only)

Allergy profile 2

(Non-Vegetarian Food only)

Allergy profile 3

(Inhalants only)

Allergy profile 4

(Drugs only)


Allergy profile 5

(Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian Food)

Allergy profile 6

(Vegetarian Food and Drugs)

Allergy profile 7

(Vegetarian Food and Inhalants)

Allergy profile 8

(Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian Food + Inhalants)


Allergy profile 9

(Vegetarian Food + Inhalants + Drugs)

Allergy profile 10

(Vegetarian and Non-Vegetarian Food + Inhalants + Drugs)


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